Tubby was a loyal member of the club, joining in 1979, after playing for Scottish Schools in 1978 (in which he broke his leg against England Schools at Gloucester). He was vice captain in the mid 80s, and played in the club side that Robin Orr coached, in 1989/90, winning promotion to the old top league. He played for Edinburgh B, and was approached by several other clubs to play for them, but stayed loyal to the club.
After playing, he regularly joined in MWFC's golf competiton, and socialised at the Gents Dining Club; in fact he attended the last gathering earlier this month! The attached photo shows him reliving front row memories, in our old clubrooms in Murrayfield, with Andy Jones and Ken Gillies.
He also played for the Scottish Schoolboys at cricket v England Schools and went on to captain both Selkirk and Grange cricket clubs for a number of years. He was a regular golfer at Elie, where he served on the committee, and still played for the Ship Inn Beach Cricket Club!
Tubby had just turned 65 earlier this month, and was generally in good health. It is therefore a great shock to get this news. A true club man, who will be missed. Our commiserations and thoughts go with his wife Alison, and children Julia and Rory.
Funeral arrangments will be added to this post, when known.